Frequently asked questions.

+ What are some frequently asked questions about Team Training?

Where does the training take place?

All team training sessions can be delivered live or virtually. Live sessions will ideally be in a suitable room on your premises, to cause as little disruption to the rest of your working day as possible. If this is not possible and you would like me to source a suitable room this can be done with costs being passed on to you.

How long are the sessions?

We understand your team are busy. We have 3 different options for timing starting at 30minutes with our Bite Sized Learnings, ideal timing for a lunch and learn / friday afternoon or monday morning pick me up. Our Wellbeing courses are 60minutes and our interactive Teamwork & Development workshops are 120minutes.

How much interaction is involved?

This depends on the session. In our Teamwork & Development workshops there are a number of breks for group and pair discussions and exercises. In our Wellbeing sessioms there are moments for reflection with reflective questions.

Where does the content come from?

All content has been created by our founder Chloe, based on her research an experience. Before becoming a coach and trainer Chloe was a senior leader in a global engineering company and her experience in corporate has influenced much of the training you see today. Chloe provides a number of referneces in the training, in particular the T&d workshops and is always happy to provide sources and ideas for further learning.

+ What are some frequently asked questions about coaching?

What is coaching?

Coaching is a collaborative partnership between you and a coach built on trust, this gives you space to discuss and explore your values, beliefs and goals. Coaching is non directive, non judgemental and always to your agenda, so where you may be the coach will hold space with you to get to where you want to be. Coaching is a mix of high support and high challenge through listening, questioning and feedback to uncover your intrinsic values, build your confidence, think differently and set goals to achieve your personal and professional potential.

Coaching is NOT:

a kick up the butt (but you will be accountable to yourself and your coach)

therapy / counselling (but some techniques of counselling are shared with coaching. Coaches are non judgemental and any subject can be broached by you.)

mentoring / expert advice (but a coach helps you find your solution from within, and may offer non committed suggestions - it’s up to you to choose what to do with them).

Who is coaching for?

Coaching is for anyone. It is not just for high level go-getters or people with “problems”.

Do you want to feel more connected to yourself? Improve relationships? Increase confidence? Do you want to live a more fulfilled life? Do you want support and challenge to understand and achieve your goals?

Yes?? Coaching could well be for you.

What do the sessions look like?

Most of my coaching sessions take place via Teams video calls, this gives you the comfort of being coached wherever suits you. Coaching sessions are between 60 and 90 minutes depending on the programme you choose.

Are results guaranteed?

Ask that question of yourself. Do you guarantee yourself results? Do you commit to allowing yourself to change your thoughts? Do you commit to being open? The results of coaching can be huge, and are relative to the commitment and mindset of the client.

Will anyone find out what we discuss?

No, coaching is 100% confidential. Nothing is discussed outside of our coaching with the exception of legal reasons which are explained in my agreement with you as a client.

I’m interested, what next?

Great! You can find out more about the coaching options using the button below.

You can also get in contact with me directly in whichever way suits you: email, contact form, Instagram Direct Message or by calling 07725443076. Alternatively you can book a discovery call with me directly using the link below.

We will then have a conversation for you to understand if coaching is right for you, and if you would like to work with me as your coach. Rapport in a coaching relationship is key to create the right environment for you, it is so important to have a discovery call before beginning your sessions.

I still have questions! Where can I get help?

Absolutely, no problem. You can get in contact with me directly in whichever way suits you: email, contact form, Instagram Direct Message or by calling 07725443076 and I’ll answer any questions you have. Alternatively you can book a discovery call with me directly using the link below and we can talk through your questions.